From Las Vegas to Borgholm: Fury Man film ready for screening
Five months after filmmaker and director Alexandre Ottoveggio searched for actors via auditions in Rällapaviljongen, the film "Fury man" is now complete. Now Alexandre tells us that the premiere of it will be at Folkan in Borgholm, on October 20.
I found actors and they were all very professional, says Alexandre Ottoveggio.
The film first came as a short film of ten minutes, but about a week ago a 25-minute version was ready and it will premiere at Folkan in Borgholm.
I enjoy making films for the cinema and for festivals, he says.
At the same time that he has now received the go-ahead for the film "Fury man" to be shown to the public, he is also getting ready to go to a film festival in Las Vegas. Namely, there is a film he made in the USA in 2015 nominated in the category "Best film director". The film is called "When its not your time".
Now in September, a film called "Another day on earth", which he has made in Stockholm, will also be shown in cinemas there.
Alexandre enjoys doing action comedies and dramas. He thinks it is important to have good sound and a good image in the films and he would like to have original music written for the particular film it is supposed to be for. During the work on Fury man, he discovered several good actors and he is very happy to have received help from Daniel Olsson at Rällapaviljonen in finding people for the film. Alexandre thinks it has been very good to record on Öland.
Several of the actors he got in touch with in connection with the audition for Fury man, he has also hired when he shot another short film this summer, "Breaking soul". He hopes to have it ready around February next year.
He prefers to make short films and since he has no sponsors, the production takes place with a small budget.
I like to tell stories, he says and adds that he can get ideas for films anywhere and anytime.
He got the idea for Fury man, for example, when he was on Karum's elves and then he immediately sat down and started writing it. Alexandre is inspired by places like Öland, the USA and Casablanca (his hometown). He states that he has been to many islands but none like Öland, here it is special.
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